“Something’s wrong. Something must be wrong with me.”
After a night out with friends, you get home and find it impossible to relax.
Instead of reflecting on what a great time you had, you’re worrying, “Did I say anything weird?” or “Do my friends really like me? How can I be sure?” Your mind is nourishing assumptions that must mean no one wanted you there.
You’d love to feel comfortable around your friends or in crowds, but you don’t even feel comfortable with who you are. It’s impossible to gauge how others feel about you.
Fear of expressing your true self is holding you back from building genuine connections.
“I’m scared to move forward.”
You have goals, desires, dreams – but you’re second-guessing yourself because someone or something – family, friends, societal standards, unwritten rules – always seems to greet you with a frown or an eye roll. Every time you move up, somebody stands ready to shoot you down.
At some point, you began to believe your hopes and dreams were unattainable. These outside influences even forced your personality into a mold that no longer fits you.
You long to break free, explore who you truly are, and express the side of you that no one has ever seen – but you fear rejection. You’re afraid that opening up will only push people further away.
Vulnerability isn’t easy, but it’s the only way to overcome the guilt and shame we experience from living our story.
“How do I decide where to go from here?”
The anxiety of not accepting yourself has created a roadblock that’s diverting you down a path toward depression, hopelessness, and utter isolation.
Everyone else seems to be so happy – to have it all together – but you’re left wondering, “Will I ever get to feel like that? Will I ever be as happy as them?”
But before you even dream about it, you suddenly remember that you don’t know where your life is going, so it feels pointless even to try.
Taking the next steps can feel frightening because even though you don’t feel great right now, and there is no guarantee getting help will make you feel any better. It feels like a risk – and not one you’re willing to take.
We are here to tell you that the risk is worth it.
Support can guide your way.
Often, when you feel this way, there’s so much going on behind the scenes that it’s hard to sort out. That’s why we are here – to help you unravel the ball of thoughts and emotions you’re experiencing.
A combination of toxic generational messages, childhood traumas, poor relationships with your family, lack of boundaries with others, and low self-esteem may contribute to how you’re feeling.
Much of what comes with this is a fear of being honest – like you need to keep things to yourself to survive.
In our sessions, you’ll learn that vulnerability and honesty are the first vital steps into loving who you are and having the relationships you want.
Emerge into Your Authentic Self and Go Where You Want to Go
Self-exploration can be scary, but you’ve found a safe space to do it.
And you don’t have to go it alone. We are here to guide you through every part of the journey. Every therapist at Relationship Matters Therapy provides individual therapy, so we can ensure to get you connected with the right person!
Reach out today (817) 562-6089 or schedule here to determine your next steps – to navigate the life you want – and who you want in it.